Welcome to McBennett.com

The McBennett.com address has been home to several websites over the years, from a simple blog describing my family's life in Japan to an online garage sale when we finally left to move to Ireland, and again to the UK.

I've often thought it would be nice to provide an online gathering place for McBennetts the world over (we're quite a rare species), so if that's a project you'd like to get involved in, please drop me a line.

In the meantime, I'll quickly introduce the other online projects that I have developed over the years.

  • Japan Zone - My first website, started in 1999 as a portal providing a wide range of information about Japan, its traditional and pop culture, sightseeing, language, history, and much more. Now quite dated, but still a treasure trove of information about the country I called home for 23 years. Visit Japan Zone ...
  • Japan Zone Store - Created as an offshoot of Japan Zone, this store specializes in tabi, the traditional split-toe footwear of Japan. Plus Japanese workwear, apparel, toys and games, interior good, accessories, and more. Visit Japan Zone Store ...
  • TEiJ - Teaching English in Japan, the name pretty much says it all. A site with information and resources for people thinking of heading to Japan to teach English. Visit TEiJ ...
  • Father Lessons - A new project (as of late 2022) that seeks to explore aspects of fatherhood, based on my own experience of having joined a men's group and seen first-hand the importance of a space where men can be open, honest and vulnerable, and aimed primarily at men who grew up without a good male role model. Visit Father Lessons ...
  • Lockdown Charlie - A silly little idea inspired by seeing how different people were reacting to the first Covid-19 lockdown here in the UK. Check it out and see "just how Lockdown Charlie are you?" Visit Lockdown Charlie ...

Mark McBennett